
Top 10 Toenail Fungus Treatment Tips

Avoid narrow fitting shoes and tight socks - try and get good airflow around the foot to prevent it becoming damp and sweaty.  Get Rid of Toenail Fungus   Wear cotton socks and avoid synthetic material such as nylon. Change your socks frequently especially if you suffer from naturally sweaty feet or if you have a job that involves a lot of walking around. Change and wash your towels regularly and do not allow other family members to use them.  Don't apply artificial nails (yes some people use them on their feet!) This is because they trap water inside, and this promotes fungal growth. Throw away your old shoes and socks to prevent the recurrence of the infection. Treat the signs of a fungal nail infection early and you will have better success.  Consider getting professional treatment such as laser nail surgery to get rid of the infection without having to wait for weeks or months for it to clear up using more conventional methods. Toenail fungus might seem like a m